Friday, December 27, 2013



I know have an up and running YouTube account!:) Go check it out by clicking on this link right here!! CLICK IT!:) 
Subscribe and leave comments on what you think I should do next!
Love always,

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Long time no see...

So let me just be the first to say... its been a while!
The last time I talked to you was when I was in the whole 'lets sell DIY shorts' faze (which I will probably start again when the warmer weather comes back;)) That was a whole semester of schooling ago! (Im too lazy to actually count the months) 
So I stumbled upon my old blog and realized how much I actually enjoyed doing this! I started reading some of my old posts and the one thing that shot into my mind... besides 'omg im so lame' was 'Goodness how time flies!' A lot has changed in my life sense my previous posts! 
I would like to update ya'll on my life, so here goes!
I am currently 15... still, but i'm so close (yet so far) from turning sixteen and getting my license! 38 days to be exact! My friend and I always say we have 99 problems and all of them begin with 'if only i could drive..' We just finished finals at school and its finally Christmas break! A new year is peaking around the corner and (for the first time) I am (planning/hoping/praying/wishing) being super strict on my new years resolution this year! Eating healthier and working out on routine!... my brother gives it a week... understandable, I am the pickiest eater on earth! I also tend to be the busiest! I am doing off season volleyball right now along with speech, student senate, and harmony. I am soon to start soccer also, so hopefully that will help with the whole working out thing. I love being busy but at times I with I could have a little more time for this sort of stuff. When I get time I usually spend it with friends or taking pictures or thinking about making a youtube channel (in all my free time) but I always have those days where I just lay on the couch, watch gossip girl and stuff my face with goldfish. All in all I am happy with this year. I am so blessed to be where I am now in my life and to have such amazing people be apart of it! I am ready for a new year to begin full of adventures and risks (and DRIVING;)) After all life is about the living, so live it up.
No regrets:)

Some pictures from this year: