Friday, December 27, 2013



I know have an up and running YouTube account!:) Go check it out by clicking on this link right here!! CLICK IT!:) 
Subscribe and leave comments on what you think I should do next!
Love always,

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Long time no see...

So let me just be the first to say... its been a while!
The last time I talked to you was when I was in the whole 'lets sell DIY shorts' faze (which I will probably start again when the warmer weather comes back;)) That was a whole semester of schooling ago! (Im too lazy to actually count the months) 
So I stumbled upon my old blog and realized how much I actually enjoyed doing this! I started reading some of my old posts and the one thing that shot into my mind... besides 'omg im so lame' was 'Goodness how time flies!' A lot has changed in my life sense my previous posts! 
I would like to update ya'll on my life, so here goes!
I am currently 15... still, but i'm so close (yet so far) from turning sixteen and getting my license! 38 days to be exact! My friend and I always say we have 99 problems and all of them begin with 'if only i could drive..' We just finished finals at school and its finally Christmas break! A new year is peaking around the corner and (for the first time) I am (planning/hoping/praying/wishing) being super strict on my new years resolution this year! Eating healthier and working out on routine!... my brother gives it a week... understandable, I am the pickiest eater on earth! I also tend to be the busiest! I am doing off season volleyball right now along with speech, student senate, and harmony. I am soon to start soccer also, so hopefully that will help with the whole working out thing. I love being busy but at times I with I could have a little more time for this sort of stuff. When I get time I usually spend it with friends or taking pictures or thinking about making a youtube channel (in all my free time) but I always have those days where I just lay on the couch, watch gossip girl and stuff my face with goldfish. All in all I am happy with this year. I am so blessed to be where I am now in my life and to have such amazing people be apart of it! I am ready for a new year to begin full of adventures and risks (and DRIVING;)) After all life is about the living, so live it up.
No regrets:)

Some pictures from this year:

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dip-Dyed Shorts

So recently I was shopping for shorts and I noticed how expensive they are! Once I discovered how cheap and easy it is to make my own, I will never buy shorts ever again!:) So I just thought I would show you these basic dip-dyed shorts.

Can you believe that these shorts were only 4 dollars!? I cant!

Step 1: Go to your local thrift store (I just went to goodwill) and buy a pair of high wasted jeans. (keep in mind they only have to fit around your butt and thighs... all of mine were so funny trying on! They were major high waters!) 

Step 2: Try on the jeans and mark the length you want them to be.. my advice is to make the front shorter than the back, but it is up to you.

*A tip is to fold your jeans over so and cut along the line so your shorts are even like so:

Step 3: Distress your shorts! (optional) I took some tweezers and just tugged at the end, you can also use sandpaper, both work! For the wholes I just cut slits and then did the same things with tweezers and/ or sandpaper.

Step 4: Get a bucket and pour about 1-2 inches of bleach in it. Make sure to wear gloves and not let it get on anything cause it won't come out! Dip your shorts in, you can go all in or just the top or bottom. I did the top. Leave it in for 10-15 minutes or longer depending on how light you want it. Take them out and ring them.

Step 5: Take the toothbrush and run it under water. Then rub the line where the bleach and the shorts meet. This will help it to blend easier.

Step 6: Wash and dry your new shorts as a delicate wash and enjoy!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Flat toned tummy

So over the summer I will be starting a workout system. So if ya'll are interested here is what I will be doing:) I will let you guys know if I see improvement. (I will also be lifting at with my high school volleyball team so that will be on the days I don't do this.)

25 Crunches 
25 Reverse Crunches
25 Bicycle Crunches

40 Russian Twists

20 Side Crunches per side
30 Second Plank
Do this workout 3x through and add 30 minutes of cardio to help burn of fat.
So I am planning on doing this workout Monday, Wednesday, and Friday... I will let you know if  I switch it up!:) Thanks for reading!


Sunday, May 12, 2013


I just thought I would do a quick post on my OOTD and then show you a picture of some new clothes I recently bought.:)  

I am just wearing some ripped up maroon shorts, a big comfy sweater and a white v-neck. This is kinda my lazy day attire, and to make this outfit extra cute I just like to add some hipster glasses and either a top know or just my natural wild curls! Thanks for reading! 



If you have read my previous posts you are probably aware that I recently had my 9th grade formal!:) It was a lot of fun and I just thought I would share that fun with ya'll by showing you guys some of the pictures! Thanks so much for all of you who take time to read my posts! Enjoy!<3

There were a lot more group shots and pictures of everyone, but these are the only ones I had on my phone available to share... sorry that there mostly selfiess:/ Thanks for reading!
